Home Invasion

Home Invasion is a series of photographs that documents the flattening of land and the construction of assembly line homes in southern Ontario. As the homes appear in the landscape, they are large, hollow, inert structures, stamped from identical molds with only minor ornamental variations. Each community is surrounded by a standard issue fence. In this work I question the societal implications of suburban development and mass produced housing, especially as it pertains to identity, individuality, and assimilation.

Essay by Marnie Fleming: When Nearby is Still Far Away

Lot 15
C-print, 1999
10.5” X 31” (26.7 cm x 78.7 cm)

.Lots 23 -24
C-print, 1999
10.5” X 31” (26.7 cm x 78.7 cm)

Lots 6-12
C-print, 1999
10.5″ x 23″ (26.7 cm x 58.4 cm)

Lots 200-289
C-print, 1999
10.5” X 31” (26.7 cm x 78.7 cm)

Lots 2-5
C-print, 1999
10.5” X 31” (26.7 cm x 78.7 cm)

Lot 95
C-print, 1998/99
10.5″ x 23″ (26.7 cm x 58.4 cm)

Lots 7-11 10.5 x 29
Lots 7-11
C-print, 1998/99
10.5” X 29” (26.7 cm x 78.7 cm)

Lots 25-27
C-print, 1999
10.5″ x 23″ (26.7 cm x 58.4 cm)

Lots 1 - 15 10.5 x 21
Lots 1-15
C-print, 1998/99
10.5″ x 21″ (26.7 cm x 53.3 cm)

Community mail 22 x 44

Community Mail
C-print, 1998/99
10.5″ x 22″ (26.7 cm x 56 cm)

Lots 27-30 10.5 x 31

Lots 27-30
C-print, 1999
10.5″ x 31″ (26.7 cm x 79 cm)

Lot 94 burlap tree newest2

Lot 94
C-print, 1999
10.5″ x 31″ (26.7 cm x 79 cm)

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